Anti Ragging Committee

An Anti-Ragging Committee in a college is a crucial entity tasked with preventing, monitoring, and addressing incidents of ragging within the campus. Ragging refers to any form of physical or psychological abuse, harassment, intimidation, or humiliation of new students by their seniors. Here’s an overview of the functions and activities of an Anti-Ragging Committee:


The primary goal of the Grievance Redressal Cell is to foster a responsive and accountable approach among all staff and students, maintaining a peaceful academic environment within the institution. The specific objectives include. • To avoid any physical or mental torture or any disorderly conduct towards any student causing fear, humiliation, or disturbance in him or her. • To maintain Surya Engineering College – a ragging free campus. • Educating students on their responsibilities and duties to avail themselves of entitlements outlined in policies. • Promote anti-ragging and nurture a welcoming environment for students. • To enable effective supervision of the campus to ensure that no incidents of ragging occurs .


To stop any form of physical or mental harm or ill-behavior towards students that would instill fear, shame, or distress within them.


Prevent ragging in and outside of college premises by promoting discipline.


1.Ragging is the mistreatment of new or junior students by seniors, which can include psychological or physical torture. 2.No ragging allowed in college. 3.Strict action will be taken against offenders. India’s Supreme Court bans ragging .


1.To keep a continuous watch and vigil over ragging so as to avoid its occurrence and repeat.
2.Act immediately to address reported incidents of ragging .

Rules & Regulations For Preventing and Prohibition of Ragging:

1.With reference to the notification No. 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 Dated 25/03/2009 the issue of ragging in educational institutions has been viewed with great concern by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
2.The Supreme Court of India, through an order on May 16th, 2007, has mandated the stringent enforcement of specific measures and protocols to prevent and prohibit the occurrence of Ragging in technical institutions

Various Forms of Ragging:

Amongst the types of ragging recognized by the Honorable Supreme Court are psychological, social, political, economic, cultural, and academic dimensions, among other aspects. Disrupting academic activity is academic ragging. Exploiting juniors for academic tasks is also prevalent. If a senior student is forcing a junior student to spend money or engage in any form of financial exploitation, it should be categorized as a form of ragging due to its economic impact. All physical abuse, such as sexual assault, stripping, harm to person or health, fall under ragging with criminal dimensions. Any form of verbal, written, or online abuse, as well as public insults, should be viewed through the psychological lens of hazing. This includes finding perverse satisfaction in making others uncomfortable, as well as failing to prepare newcomers for life in college dorms. Parents can also help teach necessary coping skills for interacting with peers and strangers. Ragging can impact students’ mental health and self-confidence psychologically. Ragging violates the fundamental right to human dignity, causing humiliation and sometimes even suicide of junior students by seniors .

Powers and Functions:

To follow and adhere to the directions of the Honorable Supreme Court and remain alert towards any incidents that may be considered as ragging. To communicate to every student the current guidelines and the possible measures that can be enforced against individuals involved in ragging The procedure entails investigating student grievances, compiling a report, and presenting recommendations for appropriate disciplinary action against perpetrators to the Anti-Ragging Committee. Monitor the process of students submitting affidavits as per the guidelines. Organize orientation workshops to educate students and prevent ragging incidents. To furnish students with the contact details such as address and phone numbers of the designated individuals to whom complaints or distress calls may be directed. The provision of counseling services and the promotion of awareness among students are key objectives. Ensure adequate measures are taken to prevent any occurrences of ragging within the campus. The Principal, along with the Anti-ragging committee, must promptly act upon any reports concerning incidents of ragging .

The Procedure for Registering Complaints:

A student who experiences ragging must report it promptly to the suitable committee within the college. If the committee discovers that a student or another individual is responsible for ragging, they need to conclude the investigation within a day and proceed with filing a complaint to the police. To file a complaint, you have multiple options such as submitting it on the college website (, making use of suggestion boxes situated at different locations, and registering it on the grievance portal ( Students may access the Anti-Ragging Portal at

Organization Composition of the Committee :

Committees and their Roles and Responsibilities:

a. The Anti Ragging Committee:

The Anti-Ragging Committee of the Surya Engineering College will be led by the Principal and will include members from the civil and police administrations, local media outlets, youth-focused Non-Governmental Organizations, teaching faculty, fresher and senior students, and non-teaching staff. The institution will oversee the actions taken against ragging; evaluate recommendations made by the Anti-Ragging Squad, and implement appropriate measures, including defining suitable punishments for those who are found responsible. The current roster of the committee can be found under the section labelled “College Committees.”

b. The Anti Ragging squad:

The Head of the institution will nominate the members of the Anti-Ragging Squad and ensure that it comprises representatives from all sections of the campus community. The Squad will be responsible for overseeing, patrolling, and maintaining vigilance. The monitoring body must always remain active, vigilant, and dynamic, with the authority to scrutinize locations where ragging may occur and conduct unannounced searches in hostel and other areas of concern. The Squad will be responsible for examining ragging cases and providing suggestions to the Anti-Ragging Committee. They will operate with the Anti-Ragging Committee’s direction. Within educational institutions, disciplinary issues should be resolved internally unless they involve breaking the law or disrupting public safety and peace, in which case they should be handled through legal procedures. The squad responsible for preventing ragging will conduct sudden inspections of the campus and hostel areas, without any predetermined schedule or advance notification..”

c.Periodicty of the Committee Meetings:

Regular biannual meetings will be scheduled. In case of grievances raised by students, expeditious meetings shall be convened.